Michael Gallagher
Michael Gallagher has been teaching technology education for over 16 years in the Saratoga Springs City School District where he is also the department chairperson. A Master Teacher in the Project Lead the Way program for over thirteen years, he trains PLTW teachers each summer. In 2008, Michael's engineering, design and development class received a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam grant. Michael has been a part of the InvenTeam experience ever since. He continues to garner local support in New York for the expansion of Educating Young Engineers (EYE), the very popular Saturday engineering program for local elementary school students which sold out during 2014-2015. Michael also facilitates the Saratoga Inventors Club. Inventive work in Mike’s engineering design and development class has included an autonomous hydroponic garden and two engines - nitinol and Stirling – focused on improving engine efficiencies. One of his greatest joys is working with and mentoring new InvenTeams each year.
2023-2024 InvenTeam
This year, Michael is working with the Cold Spring Harbor Junior/Senior High School InvenTeam as an Invention Education Fellow.
Read more about the Cold Spring Harbor Junior/Senior High School InvenTeam on their team page!
Previous InvenTeams
2022-2023 Canadian Valley Tech Center InvenTeam
2022-2023 Rolling Robots InvenTeam