Half Way There
Hello Everyone! Can’t believe another month has flown by. February was definitely a busy month for us. In the beginning of this month we were accepted into Microsoft’s #MakeWhatsNext patent program, in which we were assigned 2 patent attorneys that are helping us with the patent process, which is a big help. While all of this was happening, we were busy planning for our Mid Grant Technical Review on the 23rd. We had a total of 60 people join us to hear about what we have been working on. Now that the MGTR is done, we will continue to work on our Invention to make it better, and prepare for EurekaFest.
We hope the other team’s MGTR went well, and can’t wait to see everyone’s work when this is all done at EurekaFest.
Happy Inventing!!
News coverage
Yukon Progress 2-11-23
El Reno tribune 2-15-23
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