March Update
Hello everyone!
Crazy to believe we're already into April! March flew by! Here's a recap of what the Wahlert Catholic InvenTeam was up to in March:
1. Community Showcase Sunday March 15th - The community was invited to the Wahlert cafeteria to view our presentation and see our work. Our 3D printer was another highlight on on display. We had a nice crowd (mostly family) including a reporter from our tristate newspaper. To our surprise, we also received some donations.
2. We applied for and received a generous grant donation from the Dubuque Sisters of the Presentation. We are working to find a time to present to them at their house.
3. Improvement on our prototype. We have continued to work with Rich on our prototype. There are constant tweaks and adjustments being made to make our device better. We have made several metal prototypes at Giese Manufacturing.
4. Travel plans. Our team has been finalizing plans for getting out to MIT in June. We are still working on more fundraising and payment options.
As you can see we've been working just as we have been for the past couple months. This time of the year is absolutely buzzing with activities and end of the year plans. (Especially for seniors!) Nothing that us busy, stressed high schoolers can't handle!