Mid Grant Technical Review
On Thursday, February 7th, our InvenTeam had our Mid-Technical Grant Review. After working for weeks on a version of our prototype and testing machine, we were able to present the concept at this occasion. We began with a presentation where Paige Treakle and Thomas Kujak talked to the group about the project including our story, our financial situation, our goals, and how our project is sustainable. After we finished presenting to the group, we answered questions from the crowd. We were able to answer many of the questions, but we also found that we have a lot left to learn. Then our group members separated to our designated posts. We had areas for the hardware, software, sustainability, and financial teams to answer individual questions and give the viewers a more in depth idea of our project. After about thirty minutes of talking to our parents, advisors, and local business attendees, we wrapped up and thanked the crowd for attending our event.