Midpoint Review
Our midpoint technical review was a huge success!
On Februrary 23rd, we had our Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams Midpoint Review, and invited many township and Board of Education members, along with family and friends of all the team members, STEM-interested teachers and interested parents from the community. As a team, we presented our journey throughout the invention process for the project, displaying all of the past prototypes and ideas we tested with, leading up to the current prototype we are working on. Once we finished presenting, we allowed the guests to view our displays of previous prototypes and allow them to ask us any questions they may have had. Many guests asked intriguing questions like: "What made this idea seem incomplete?" or "How were you planning on moving forward with this idea?"
For the latter part of the event, the 8 team members split up and individually went to the guest tables to receive feedback on the current idea. We asked what they liked and thought could be improved, if they would consider purchasing the device in the future, and also asked how we could revamp the presentation for the EurekaFest in June.
Overall, our LMIT Midpoint Technical review was a major success, and allowed us to really understand how others feel about our project, as well as gain feedback and helpful advice to further improve our idea and gain more success as well as approval from others.