November Notes
Hello from Poolesville!
The Poolesville High School InvenTeam has big plans for the upcoming year and we are excited to make a huge impact on our community.
Over the last month, our team has expanded from 9 to 20 members to help us effectively complete the task at hand. With so many new team members, we participated in a few team building exercises that brought us closer as a team. We enjoyed playing ultimate frisbee, participating in “getting to know you” exercises, creating a team cheer…and, of course, conducting engaging brainstorming discussions about our device.
Team Building Exercises
Playing Ultimate Frisbee
As a group, we have brainstormed the specifics of the design and collaborated on multiple ideas that could be implemented. We have also begun ordering parts required for software development and our first prototype. We have split ourselves into sub-teams based on areas of the device that demand more attention and research put towards them. We anticipate the first prototype being completed by the beginning of February, in time for our MGTR and with ample time for additional prototype before EurekaFest.
Raymond, Wally, and Jessica conducting technical research
Ritvik teaching Grace K. and Anthony how to solder
After weeks of planning, we can finally start building!
Our two Sustainability Co-Leads have been actively training to become Certified Sustainable Design Associates. Their efforts have helped our team gain an understanding of using sustainable design strategies and making our invention’s design process environmentally friendly. They plan to take the certification exam, administered by Solidworks, very soon.
We have also been very busy at work on the fundraising side of things. Our team has been brainstorming, over multiple meetings, on various fundraising ideas to help us get to EurekaFest next June, and we have come up with an extensive list of many dozens of possibilities, including everything from contacting companies for sponsorship to bake sales to restaurant partnerships and even organizing a concert. Many of our team members have already started reaching out to appropriate authorities to try to set these potential fundraising ideas into action.
Sreya discussing fundraising
Additionally, one of our team members was able to meet with Eric Guerci, the Montgomery County Public Schools Student Member of the Board, this month. He gave us valuable advice on local venues and grant opportunities that we can use for fundraising in our community.
Anthony, Marisa, Colin, and Ritvik contacting different companies and finishing our blog post
Our team has also had some great opportunities in being featured on media posts! We were featured on our school’s morning announcements show and earlier this month, Mr. Stansbury, our Educational Supervisor, was interviewed by Fox News regarding our invention. We were also featured as news on the official Town of Poolesville website. You can check out the links to the articles below:
Media Coverage:
Overall, we have made great strides this month towards our project, but this is just the beginning of our journey. We can’t wait to share more of our progress with you in the coming weeks! Stay tuned to our upcoming posts, and be sure to check us out on Twitter.
- The Poolesville High School InvenTeam