November Updates
November 20th 2019
The Stockbridge InvenTeam has been making great progress on the Emperor Micro-Lander. In the meantime we have received attention from multiple sources and have even taken the time to visit a local business.
On November 6th our team traveled to Menlo Innovations in Ann Arbor, Michigan. While we were there they presented to us multiple ways to successfully work as a team as well as a business. We brought those ideas back and incorporated them in the way we run our class. An example is our Project Management Board, this board allows us to hold each other accountable for projects and helps keep us on schedule.
On November 18th, we had a News 10 reporter come into class and interview each of us. News 10 is our local news station. While we were being interviewed she had us describe our project and our specific role on the team.
On November 8th our State Representative Kara Hope come into our class. There she awarded each InvenTeam member with a Certificate of Recognition from The House of Representatives. We showed her all of the progress our team has made so far and she was impressed.