Our Viaje (Journey) Begins
Since being selected as a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam Grant recipient, the Diamondback STEM group has done a lot with our community to get the word out. One of the things that we've done to reach out has been participate in some community events, such as our Halloween Trunk or Treat. Furthermore, we contacted nearby news outlets letting them know of our great achievement.

Three news outlets, KRQE, KAMR/KCIT, and QCSUN, reported our story with a broad description of our invention.|| https://www.krqe.com/news/new-mexico/new-mexico-high-schoolers-tasked-with-building-farm-communication-system/ || https://www.qcsunonline.com/story/2022/11/02/news/tucumcari-stem-team-earns-grant/24111.html || https://www.myhighplains.com/video/tucumcari-high-school-awarded-lemelson-mit-inventeam-grant/8119713/
Additionally, we've held our first fundraiser to be able to present at Eurekafest. The team earned over $1,200 in one day by hosting a concession stand for a wrestling tournament.

Moving on from fundraising, the team has logged into the Canvas and was excited to receive our P-Card! WE'RE EXCITED TO START THE BUILD!!!