Endotherm recently gave a presentation to 1 Million Cups in Iowa City. 1 Million Cups give entrepreneurs from communities world wide to present their startups to a diverse group of community mentors, advisers, and entrepreneurs. Endotherm gave a six minute pitch followed by 20 minutes of feedback and questioning. We enjoyed presenting our innovative project to the community, receiving further feedback on how our design can be scaled up in the future, as well as practicing our presentation skills. Additionally, Endotherm has pitched at Venture School, Rotary Club, and local engineering companies.
The team was also given the great opportunity to present in front of the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center (JPEC) board at the John Pappajohn Business Building. We pitched in front of statewide entrepreneurs such as the business dean of the University of Iowa and CEOs of companies. We received positive feedback from the board and John Pappajohn, Iowa’s biggest philanthropist, generously donated $10,000 to help us with our project. Tom Bedell, CEO of his self-founded company, also donated $1,000. It was a very successful day for the team, and we thank everyone who gave positive criticism at the meeting.
Furthermore, we contacted Jenny Stanley whose child passed from vehicular heatstroke on August 2010. We held a phone interview with her, and we gained valuable input and inspirations from her story. The first vehicular heatroke death in 2015 occurred on April 20, and with the weather getting warmer, the number will continue to rise. But with Endotherm's technology, we aim to see those deaths decrease to zero.