The Power of a Equipo (Team)
This February the Tucumcari Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam has worked tirelessly in order to get ready for our MGTR. Through the end of January leading up to the MGTR the team worked tirelessly in order to have the best outcome possible as to inspire more people in our community. The team was grateful for the community participants and support!

In addition to working on our MGTR, we had an interview with KVII Amarillo News so that they could help show our progress to the public. While they showed the whole team, two members, MiKayla Klinger and Aaron Chand, were able to talk about the journey the team has taken to get to this point as well as future hopes for the team and our school's STEM programs.

The team has had great success in making progress with their invention. Through meetings with a coding professional, and spending endless hours of coding on their own, the team has been able to complete 1 of our 3 major coding goals. We hope to have all 3 goals met as we work through March and April.
The team is determined to get the best results possible!