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Join us, in collaboration with MIT's Leap Lab for an Invention Adventure.

Family, friends, and Fido will have a great time at this event where fun, food, and games are the priority.

Ignite the spark of invention and entrepreneurship in your students and set them on a course to shape a better future with the Massachusetts Invention Convention, held virtually this year.
LMIT's amazing InvenTeams® will be hosting their Mid-Grant Technical Reviews in February and March. You can support your local team by attending the virtual presentations and giving valuable feedback on the team's inventions. 
Our online professional development sessions for educators are a great way to pick up new ideas for engaging students in creative problem solving and inventing. Leaders in Invention Education (IvE) and educators new to this work will explore best practices and free resources that help students learn to invent.
Introduction to Invention Convention: Professional Development for Massachusetts, California, and Connecticut Educators
Online event open to all high school students currently in 10th-12th grade (or ages 14-18 if outside of the US).
A summer virtual professional development workshop that will be held over the course of three days: July 12-July 14, 2021
Join us on the pathway to invention during this free, online event for educators: April 28, 2021
Massachusetts Invention Convention, in collaboration with the Lemelson-MIT Program and the Cambridge Science Festival, will host an online Awards Ceremony & Celebration on April 24th, 2021 at 1 p.m. EDT. Please join us in congratulating young inventors!
Join us on the pathway to invention during this free, online event for educators: March 31, 2021
Support high school inventors from Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center as they present their InvenTeam project: March 6, 2021